Course Syllabus
Course Resources and Links
How to Join Our Group in the Flip App
How to Record Videos in Flip
How to Complete and Submit Video Assignments
Assignment Submission Document
Resources and Links from Week 1
Week 1 Live Session - Exit Ticket / Asynchronous Attendance Reflection
Task 1: Spanish Problem Set: /d/ and /ð/
Task 2: Thoughts on language and the brain (Dr. Kuhl lecture)
Resources and Links from Week 2
Week 2 Exit Ticket / Asynchronous Attendance Reflection
Task 3: Mark glottal stops in Felicity's self introduction
Task 4: Hawaiian Problem Set
Week 3 Exit Ticket / Asynchronous Attendance Reflection
Task 5: Toothbrush & Mirrors: Vowel Exploration
Task 6: Paint your Vowels
Week 4 Exit Ticket / Asynchronous Attendance Reflection
Course Evaluation
Claim Your Certificate

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Color Vowel® Yoga, Spelling Exploration, Rhythm & Chants, Sound Awareness