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Week 1 Exit Ticket / Asynchronous Attendance Reflection
A review of stress in acronyms, numbers, and names
Classroom Video: "Hi, my name is ..." Chant
Task #1: "Hi, my name is..." Chant
Task #2: Create a new Word-based Color Vowel® Warm-up
Task #3: Lead a 3-word chant
Week 2 Exit Ticket / Asynchronous Attendance Reflection
Review of Compound Nouns and Phrasal Verbs
Task #4: Phrase-based Color Vowel® Warm up
Task #5: Phrase Chant
Dr. Diana Deutch: Music and the Brain
Task #6: Chant a Blue Canoe Sentence
Week 3 Exit Ticket / Asynchronous Attendance Reflection
Task #7: Create a Content-based 'Practice Card'
Task #8: Build on Task 7 with a recorded mini-lesson
Week 4 Exit Ticket / Asynchronous Attendance Reflection
Pure English Practice links and resources
"Too Many Questions" chant cards (Google Slides)
"Too Many Questions" 1-pager with link to demo video
Course Evaluation & Certificate

Bundle and Save!
Pay just $195 per course when purchasing all four Core courses at one time:
Color Vowel® Yoga, Spelling Exploration, Rhythm & Chants, and Sound Awareness