Course Syllabus
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Assignment Submission Document
Stress Essentials Worksheet (Please PRINT THIS before Week 1)
Week 1 Exit Ticket / Asynchronous Attendance Reflection
Task #2: Identify a priority for this learner
Week 2 Exit Ticket / Asynchronous Attendance Reflection
Week 2 Discussion: English Speech Rhythm
Homework task: "Pollution" thought groups
Task #3: Mark needed thought groups in this nurse's speech
Task #4: Identify a priority for this learner
Week 3 Exit Ticket / Asynchronous Attendance Reflection
Week 3 Discussion: English Intonation/ Deaccenting (Optional)
Task #5: Culminating Project
Task #6: Retell Urvi's story as a practice model.
Week 4 Exit Ticket / Asynchronous Attendance Reflection
Bonus video: "James Bond" revisited!
Course Evaluation & Certificate